Thursday, December 4, 2008

Although This Is Nothing In The Scheme Of My Years

Tonight, as I soaked in the bathtub (Calgon, take me away!), I pondered the idea of finishing up my college education. As i refuse to move from my current location until I am actually ready this time, this would mean I would have to attend Boise State University. The mere thought of this induces uncontrolled vomiting, so I had to think of something else so not to ruin my recent bath-cleanliness.
I want so badly to leave Boise (and greater Idaho, for that matter), but I think I really WILL need to attend BSU. At this point, a degree is a degree.

However, I will not continue with my chosen major. For one, they don't offer it here. Second, I feel my professional longings shifting towards a new direction; surely this will materialize into a complete idea one day. At that point, I will make my decision.

Of course, no decision is more pressing than the one Mousy and Sad Girl debated in the classic Mi Vida Loca. Let us rat our hair, apply liberal amounts of AquaNet, and observe:


*LaUrA* said...

I am now officially "following" you! I found your blog from Julie and it made me so happy to see you after all these years!! (to me it still feels like we just graduated...but we are getting old!)

Germán said...

LAURA! I am so glad to see you too! We are getting old, can you believe it is going to be TEN YEARS soon since we've graduated? What is life up to for you? Oh wait..let me read your blog and find out!